How Weight and Age Are Correlated

Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you expected that our weight is constant over our entire adult life, let me tell you this is a wrong assumption. The healthy weight, according to medical standards, is different depending on the age group you belong to. for example, when I was 20 years of age, a weight of 120 pounds would have been too much for my height. Today, when I'm in my 40s, this weight is perfectly acceptable, so I am considered a healthy woman from this point of view. I achieved this without using any fat burners or other kind of diet or medication, simply by eating healthy foods and not exaggerating with alcohol. This is one of the mistakes many women make, when they try to look like 22 when they are close to 50. Each age has its charm and we all have to understand that the beauty standards imposed by the modern society are only a fake. Truth is that most of the people on Earth are overweight, so let's forget about all those Paris Hilton, Claudia Schifer, Mila jovovich, Naomi Campbell or other models considered the ideal of the human race nowadays.

Height and Weight Chart

Monday, October 13, 2008

Scientists all over the world agree that in order to call somebody healthy, there has to be a correlation between the weight and the height of that person. Moreover, this height and weight chart could include a third parameter which is also important, namely the age. This is where a mistake is frequently done by many persons: trying to lose weight in order to maintain the same ratio they had when they were teenagers. Things don't work that way, and an old body cannot look and feel like a young one. We just have to face it and learn to love our body as it gets older, we have to accept the natural changes that take place and not fight against them in countless weight loss diets and fitness trainings that exhaust our body and spirit.

How to use the height and weight chart

After we decide how we are in rapport with our body weight, there are three situations possible. The first one, in case we are under weight, we need to follow a weight gain nutritional program. There are nutritional schemes called food pyramids which can show us what foods are better in case we want to increase our body weight.
If we are within the normal range, we have to maintain our weight, meaning that we need to balance the calories intake and the exercise, by living an active life and eating as healthy as we can, avoiding saturated fats, refined sugar or deep fried foods. Junk food is not an option for a healthy life.
If we are overweight, we need to start worrying about that soon, in order to avoid health complications such as heart diseases or diabetes.